Francis Howell is Winning!
Celebrating FHSD’s Progress Under Conservative School Board Leadership
Trust and Transparency: Cornerstones of Effective Schools
Randy Cook and Ashley Sturm Embrace Transparent and Accountable School Leadership
They Stole Our Signs—Let’s Replace Them Together!
They can steal our signs, but they can’t steal this election.
Randy Cook and Ashley Sturm Support Secure Schools
Your Conservative School Board Majority Has Made Safety a Priority
Randy Cook and Ashley Sturm: The Only Fiscally Responsible Choice
Sorry DOGE: Francis Howell’s Conservative Majority Did it First!
Trust in School District Grows With Conservative Board
Annual Survey Shows Large Increase in Community Approval
Help Support Strong Schools, Smart Spending, and Bright Futures
Get a yard sign and volunteer to help protect common sense education
Unmasking This Year’s NEA School Board Endorsement
It’s Official. The NEA has Endorsed…..Itself!
Corporations Shed Discriminatory DEI Programs
Why do far-left board candidates Gryder and Oelke support MORE DEI at FHSD?
Failing Post-Dispatch Seeks to Sway School Board Elections
Their Goal: All Conservatives Off School Boards
New Year, New Choices: The Future of Francis Howell is in Your Hands
Will we build on two years of progress or return to mismanagement?
State Audit Vindicates Conservative School Board
Massive Mismanagement by Old NEA-Controlled School Board Found
Take a Stand for FHSD’s Future: Join Us for an Unforgettable Evening
Thursday, Jan 30, 2025 – Join Randy Cook and Ashley Sturm, Your April 2025 Candidates!
Francis Howell Families Endorses Randy Cook and Ashley Sturm for FHSD School Board
We are honored to endorse two great candidates for the April 8th, 2025 school board election
Should Schools Ban Cell Phones in Class?
Distracted Students are not Focused Students
Why did a Far Left School Board Candidate Delete Their Twitter Account?
What did far left school board candidate Amy Gryder say about Conservatives?
Update on Proposed Bathrooom / Locker Room Policy
Ensuring FHSD Policies Align with Missouri Supreme Court Guidance
Are FHSD Conservative Voters Garbage?
Local Democrats Vilify FHSD Conservatives
It’s Time For a Conversation about Behavior
Excessive discipline issues are detrimental to our students' education
How do you feel about cell phones in classrooms?
FHSD parents, teachers, and community members, we need your help!
Press Release: Francis Howell Families Support for Proposed Board Policies
We applaud the board for proposing these common sense and long needed policy updates
Should School Staff Be Able to Keep Secrets from Parents?
Too Many People Associated with Public Schools Think Parents aren’t Safe
Stand Up for Common Sense Library Proposals
The board’s proposed policy changes provide common-sense guidelines that listen to currently ignored perspectives
Balancing Multiple Perspectives When Curating Library Collections
Major institutions and library book lists captured by those with an agenda
Progressives Oppose Common-Sense Guidelines for School Libraries
Blair, Owens, and their PACs are fine with pre-teens reading erotic fantasy and sexual assault
It’s Time to Kick Political Campaigns off School Property
Don’t Let School Events Become Political Events!
Common Sense Policies Increase Library Transparency
Age Appropriate Standards are not "Book Banning"
Finally! Common Sense Limits on Discussions of Sex
Radicals are MAD they can’t encourage sexual orientation / gender identity!
New policies would enshrine Education over Advocacy in our schools
Our board is being attacked by progressive ideologues and needs your support!
The Empire Struck Back
We were up against a strong, well-organized opposition, but we are already looking forward to next year
Please VOTE on Tuesday April 2nd for Adriana Kuhn and Sam Young
Don't go back to letting the local NEA choose your school board
What about Teacher Retention at Francis Howell?
Claims of teachers leaving because of the board have no basis in the data
FHN Class President responds to Francis Howell Forward
Senior Grant Kilen responds to attempt to attack and belittle him
Don’t be fooled by the local NEA and their candidates
Only a minority of FHSD teachers are members of the local NEA
Francis Howell School Board gets a report card
While thinking about the April 2nd election, let's review the current board's accomplishments
Head-in-the-sand House
Ted House and his SCCFPS PAC hide from the truth
The Lies Leftists Tell
Our media team has been busy correcting the record
FHSD Candidates Adriana Kuhn and Sam Young Endorsements
See who has endorsed common sense candidates for Francis Howell school board
FHSD candidates Adriana Kuhn and Sam Young appear on 97.1 with Marc Cox
Feb 27th: April 2nd candidates endorsed by Francis Howell Families discuss their priorities
Reminder: Thursday Feb 22nd Meet the candidates
Attendees can be the first to get yard signs!
Get your yard sign for the April 2nd, 2024 election
We will be distributing yard signs at these times and locations
You know you’re winning when your opponents try to smear you
The local NEA and their candidates are desperate!
Voters matter – not a tiny, radical minority. Be a voter!
Leftist PAC believes that a few of their emails matter more than tens of thousands of voters
Leftist ideology infects school boards thru NEA
Reject NEA endorsed candidates Steven Blair and Carolie Owens
Volunteer and help support high quality, financially responsible schools
Find out how you can join us and make a real difference
Feb 22nd: Meet the candidates in the April 2nd, 2024 election
Don't miss another chance to meet Adriana and Sam!
Board candidate Adriana Kuhn appears with Jane Puszkar on Real Talk 93.3
On January 31, Adriana and Jane were guests with Brian Nieves and discussed priorities for FHSD.
We have our 3rd and 4th Flight Raffle Winners! You can be next!
Don't miss out on the next chance to win and support electing family-focused school board members.
FHSD clarifies that “Walk outs” are treated as absences subject to normal rules
This should be good news for everyone: Students have 1st A rights that are subject to the Code of Conduct
Make Your Voices Heard: FHSD must equally enforce Code of Conduct
There is no 1st Amendment right to "Walk out" of class
Meet the candidates for FHSD in the April 2th, 2024 election
Friday, Jan 19, 2024: Don't miss a chance to meet candidates Adriana Kuhn and Sam Young!
We need new Black History/Literature courses that more students want to take
This year only 102 students total enrolled in these two courses across three high schools
Board votes to rescind “Social Justice” standards from Southern Poverty Law Center
Effective July 1, 2024, all curriculum developed with these standards are also rescinded
Support board TONIGHT to keep campaign promises and remove CRT
On Dec 21, our board votes to remove Social Justice standards from curriculum
Progressive candidates for FHSD school board pounce on litter boxes
They don't want to admit their opposition to common sense bathroom/locker room policies
Francis Howell Families endorses Adriana Kuhn and Sam Young for school board
We are honored to endorse two more "Back to Basics" candidates for the April 2th, 2024 school board election
RAFFLE: Be the Next Winner for a 1 Hour Flight around St. Louis
Every 50 tickets is a new drawing for this great gift
New FHSD board saves $300K on $1.1M security entrance upgrades
Careful oversight and working with Principals was key
We have our Second Flight Raffle Winner! You can be next!
Don't miss out on the next chance to win and support electing family-focused school board members.
We have our First Flight Raffle Winner! You can be next!
We have received great response after only a few days. Don't miss your chance to win!
RAFFLE: Win a 1 Hour Flight Around St. Louis
This fundraiser is a chance to win a great gift for your kids or grandkids
FHSD Board Proposes Common Sense Bathroom Policy
It's time for a written privacy policy that represents district families
EVENT: Child Sexual Exploitation: Is Your Child At Risk Online?
Francis Howell residents are invited to a VERY important meeting regarding the safety of your children
Board comments and Fox2now on students’ personal data being used for politics
Watch board comments by new VP Randy Cook and link to TV story
Warning: FHSD student personal information is being mined for political purposes
Find out who, why, and what you can do about it
A Call For FHSD School Board Candidates
Please contact us if you or someone you know would be interested in running for FHSD school board in April.
Eliminating Discrimination at FHSD
Discrimination, racial or otherwise, has no place in our schools
Equipping Students with What They Need
A Francis Howell North student’s perspective on Back to Basics [...]
Auditor Fitzpatrick announces audit of Francis Howell School District
The audit is based on fiscal and operation concerns. Costs will be covered by the state.
Congratulations to Puszkar, Ponder, and Harmon for FHSD board wins!
Thanks to the volunteers, supporters and donors for their hard work and sacrifices in the April 4th school board election!
Francis Howell school board candidates interviewed by
Read FH Central publications team interviews
Please don’t forget to vote April 4th for FHSD school board
Also find details on where to go now for No Excuse Early voting
What REALLY went wrong resulting in $79M overrun on the new FHN high school
Much more than inflation is to blame
Jane Puszkar, Mark Ponder, and Ron Harmon appear on 97.1 with Marc Cox
April 4th school board candidates endorsed by Francis Howell Families discuss their priorities on March 21, 2023 with Marc Cox
Francis Howell Families again calls for external audit of Prop S spending
It is critical to begin to restore taxpayer trust in our district finances
Francis Howell North: 90% Cost Overrun
Follow the shifting estimates
March 14th – Meet the candidates for FHSD in the April 4th election
At the MIddendorf-Kedell library - Mar 14, 6:30 - 8:00pm
Get your yard sign for the April 4th election
We will be distributing yard signs at these times and locations
Jane Puszkar, candidate for FHSD board appears on Real Talk 93.3
On Feb 23, Jane was interviewed on the Kell and Co. show to discuss her priorities in the April 4th election
We must be doing something right to be attacked like this
Attacks on Francis Howell Families have intensified as we get closer to the April election, including a number of outright lies
17,000 students and $280 Million reasons to volunteer in the April 4th election
Find out how you can join us and make a real difference
Meet the candidates for FHSD in the April 4th election
Don't miss our exciting campaign kick-off!
Change is coming to FHSD…
Vote April 4th and STOP the NEA from choosing our board
Francis Howell Families endorses Puszkar, Ponder, and Harmon for school board
We are honored to endorse three "Back to Basics" candidates for the April 4th, 2023 school board election
Francis Howell admits to discrimination against Christian middle school students
During a "Spirit Friday", many students wore face paint but those with crosses were forced to remove them
Francis Howell celebrates bogus district ranking based on three year old test scores
See how our scores have tumbled; we now trail Fort Zumwalt in an objective ranking
Francis Howell Families proposes steps to alleviate severe staffing issues
Resolving the critical staffing shortage requires proper focus and motivation
Francis Howell removes some books with sexually explicit images from libraries
FHSD has removed several books with sexually explicit graphic images that are illegal under a new state law
See what Francis Howell has in middle school libraries for children as young as 11
Download a one page report including excerpts. WARNING - CONTENT ADVISORY
Francis Howell Families calls for external audit of Prop S projects
FHSD administration recently held a citizen's roundtable on Prop S priorities without discussing past mistakes
Quickly find out which obscene books are in your child’s library
The SCC Parents Association has created a great new resource for parents
FHSD ignores questions regarding May 25th pro-abortion “walk out” at FHHS
Our questions regarding the recent protest and the district's part in it are unanswered by the administration
Francis Howell Families Announces Lawsuit Settlement With FHSD
FHSD agrees to judge’s ruling, will not apply advertising policies to public comments
A Call For FHSD School Board Candidates
Please contact us if you or someone you know would be interested in running for FHSD school board in April.
FHF Calls on FHSD Board to Livestream Board Retreat
Francis Howell Families joins the Francis Howell Educators’ Association (FHEA) in asking the Board to livestream their upcoming board retreat on June 23, 2022
Chris Brooks discusses Francis Howell Families on NewsTalkSTL – 4/27/22
Chris joins Mike Ferguson to discuss recent FHSD board elections, federal 1st amendment injunction, etc.
Francis Howell parent speaks out regarding political indoctrination in 6th grade
Watch as this parent describes the specifics and his attempts to voice his concerns with staff
Judge orders Francis Howell Board To Stop Censoring Speakers
An injunction from a federal judge allows speakers during board meetings to mention Francis Howell Families or our website
Congratulations Adam Bertrand and Randy Cook for FHSD board wins
Thanks to the Bertrand, Cook, and FHF volunteers, supporters and donors for their hard work and sacrifices in the April 5th school board election!
KMOV interviews FH board candidates on CRT, controversial books
Read and watch interviews with Adam Bertrand, Randy Cook, and the other candidates for the April 5th election
Adam Bertrand and Randy Cook appear on 97.1 Marc Cox – March 21, 2022
Listen to our endorsed candidates for Francis Howell School Board discuss what they think can be done to improve the school district
Despite $79M budget overrun, COO Supple praised Mike Hoehn for his service on FHN design team
With project $79M over budget, Hoehn says "I’ll be the first to admit the district did a poor job in communicating the increases in costs for the FHN project"
FHSD Superintendent Dr. Nathan Hoven Announces Retirement
Deputy superintendent Dr. Kenneth Roumpos named Interim Superintendent
Francis Howell announces hiring process for new CFO/COO
The district announced the process that they will be using for replacing retiring CFO/COO Kevin Supple.
Get Ready to Vote on April 5th!
With the FHSD board election less than six weeks away, make sure that you and your friends and family are ready to vote.
Lawsuit: FHSD Board Violates First Amendment Rights of Critics
Officials ban critics – but not allies – from mentioning their organization and website in public comments
Francis Howell to begin search to replace retiring COO Kevin Supple
In the wake of the Prop S controversy and overruns, Francis Howell Families requests more transparency in the selection process for COO.
Francis Howell admin wants a pass on board request for financial audit
The administration has responded with a memo proposing that their existing project manager simply continue to provide monthly updates.
Francis Howell Families calls for restoring recess para positions
These part-time recess positions relieve teachers who face increasing admin loads, contributing to student education in a cost effective way.
More Prop S Financial Control Failures at Francis Howell
The Board of Education approved more runaway capital spending without proper financial controls or disclosure.
Student proficiency test scores tumble at Francis Howell
After a three month delay, district level MAP testing data is finally available. Francis Howell results are not good.
FHSD board votes Dec 16th to accept runaway Francis Howell North High School project
As apparent hostages to the administration, the Francis Howell School Board ignores pleas to pause and correct this broken process
Francis Howell Families endorses Adam Bertrand and Randy Cook for school board
Today Francis Howell Families is announcing our official endorsements for [...]
HUGE Budget OVERRUNS in the Francis Howell School District
Many of the Proposition S capital projects are coming in severely over budget, including the new Francis Howell North high school
Francis Howell Places Student on Committee to Review “Pornography” Book Challenge
Whether the committee ultimately found it to be pornographic or not is beside the point. What is concerning is that the district thought it was appropriate to evaluate a pornography challenge with a student on the committee.
FHSD board censors their critics during public comments
President Mary Lange cuts off public commenter who dares to mention
Here are the LaGarrett King emails with FHSD
Decide for yourself - our analysis shows that CRT expert LaGarrett King was instrumental in course development while avoiding transparency.
Francis Howell Families hits the air on Realtalk 93.3
Francis Howell Families appeared several times this well on RealTalk 93.3 to discuss CRT and sexually explicity materials in our schools
More harmful books in Francis Howell libraries
Four books in our middle and high school libraries that parents should be aware of
FHSD board to consider agenda to reduce transparency
An Oct 21, 2021 board meeting agenda item would significantly reduce transparency in our schools
Francis Howell Families appears on NewsTalkSTL
On Oct. 21, Katie Rash of Francis Howell Families appeared on NewsTalkSTL to discuss CRT, pornography, mandates, and transparency on our schools.
Marc Cox discusses obscene content in Francis Howell schools
On Oct. 21, Francis Howell Families’ Chris Brooks discussed obscene materials on the Mark Cox show
Critical Race Theory in Francis Howell – the Evidence
In a letter to the FHSD board, a concerned parent presents specific examples of CRT in the new courses
Mark Reardon discusses pornography in Francis Howell schools
On Sept. 30, Francis Howell Families’ Vivian Gontarz discusses pornography on the Mark Reardon show
Pornography in Francis Howell schools
Parents are concerned about pornography and sexualized content in schools, and they should be. WARNING – INTENDED ONLY FOR ADULT READERS
Pornography in FHSD School Libraries – RealTalk 93.3 Interview
Francis Howell Families will appear on RealTalk 93.3 this afternoon to discuss sexually explicit material in FHSD libraries
Mark Reardon Sept. 23 – “They’ve gone completely woke in Francis Howell”
Francis Howell Families’ Chris Brooks discusses the elimination of middle school challenge classes with Mark Reardon
Our turn on Mark Reardon show – Sept. 8 Response to Dr. Hoven
Francis Howell Families’ Chris Brooks discusses the Sept. 7 interview with Dr. Hoven
Dr. Hoven’s appearance on Mark Reardon show Sept. 7
Dr. Hoven said: "We have to own the curriculum that we write". We agree.
Response to Francis Howell “Fact sheet” – The Rest of the Facts
Here are some of the facts that they forgot to mention
Challenge courses eliminated in Francis Howell middle schools
Dr. Hoven believes that middle school challenge courses create equity issues and has decided to eliminate them.
What is Critical Race Theory? (and why it matters)
Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a philosophy based on the [...]
Arkansas Attorney General: Teaching Critical Race Theory Violates the Law
August 16, 2021 LITTLE ROCK – Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge [...]
Francis Howell pushes CRT Social Justice agenda in middle school
A recent sunshine request revealed a "Social Justice Student Survey" [...]
Get your own Francis Howell Families T-shirt
Here's how: Use the home page Donate button and make [...]
FHSD Public vs Private Presentations on Black History Curriculum
Watch supporters of the proposed Black History course in the [...]