Francis Howell Families endorses Adam Bertrand and Randy Cook for school board

Today Francis Howell Families is announcing our official endorsements for the April 5th, 2022 school board election - We could not be more pleased.  These two gentlemen are not only good candidates.  They are GREAT CANDIDATES. So just remember: “B-C” [...]

By |2021-12-15T11:25:24-06:00December 14, 2021|Issues, News|

Francis Howell Places Student on Committee to Review “Pornography” Book Challenge

Whether the committee ultimately found it to be pornographic or not is beside the point. What is concerning is that the district thought it was appropriate to evaluate a pornography challenge with a student on the committee.

By |2021-11-29T13:54:06-06:00November 29, 2021|News|
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