Francis Howell Families calls for restoring recess para positions
These part-time recess positions relieve teachers who face increasing admin loads, contributing to student education in a cost effective way.
These part-time recess positions relieve teachers who face increasing admin loads, contributing to student education in a cost effective way.
The Board of Education approved more runaway capital spending without proper financial controls or disclosure.
After a three month delay, district level MAP testing data is finally available. Francis Howell results are not good.
As apparent hostages to the administration, the Francis Howell School Board ignores pleas to pause and correct this broken process
Today Francis Howell Families is announcing our official endorsements for the April 5th, 2022 school board election - We could not be more pleased. These two gentlemen are not only good candidates. They are GREAT CANDIDATES. So just remember: “B-C” [...]