What is wrong with setting reasonable boundaries on discussions of gender identity and sexual orientation between staff and students? Who should be the primary source of human sexuality education for children?

The conservative majority of the Francis Howell School Board have put forth a new Regulation 6116 on Human Sexuality that clearly places parents and guardians as the primary authority for their children.

The proposed regulation is short, barely over a page long, yet accomplishes much of what this community has been asking for. We will finally have in writing that school district employees cannot encourage minors to adopt a gender identity or sexual orientation. The regulation also clearly says that employees cannot encourage students to pursue gender reassignment drug therapies or surgeries. We find ourselves asking why isn’t this already in school policies?

Additionally, school employees’ discussion about human sexuality, sexual orientation, and gender identity in grades K-5 will be limited to the Missouri state approved curriculum. This will provide accountability to parents for any employee who feels the need to go rogue and teach our children something beyond the curriculum.

The regulation goes further to cement parental rights by requiring any gender identity discussions between staff and minors to require consultation and consent with all parents and legal guardians on file. 

The opposition is savagely attacking FHSD Board members for this reasonable and balanced policy. The attacks show they will accept no limits when it comes to discussing all types of sexual issues with students! And they especially don’t want to have to tell parents what they discuss with our children in their “safe spaces”!

Remember this regulation and several others will go up for a final vote on July 18th! If you think Regulation 6116 on Human Sexuality should pass, then email the Francis Howell Board of Education at their email addresses below and please attend this meeting:

Adam.Bertrand@fhsdschools.org, Randy.Cook@fhsdschools.org, Jane.Puszkar@fhsdschools.org, Ron.Harmon@fhsdschools.org, Mark.Ponder@fhsdschools.org, Steven.Blair@fhsdschools.org, Carolie.Owens@fhsdschools.org

Here’s what else you can do to help:

  • Please attend the July 18th, 2024 school board meeting at 6:30pm to show support for our board and this regulation.
    See here for more information.
  • Contact us to find out more, or to let us know your concerns about our schools.
  • Consider making a donation to help us elect great school board members that represent you and not the NEA.