Francis Howell Families is thrilled to announce two more winners in our Raffle for a one hour flight around St. Louis.

  • Winner #3: Carol Sanders
  • Winner #4: Penny Henke
  • Winner #5:  (to be drawn the week of February 5th)

Shown above, see Kim St. Onge of 97.1 FM Talk drawing winner #3 at a recent Meet & Greet Fundraiser for Francis Howell School Board candidates Adriana Kuhn and ‘submariner’ Sam Young.

Over $5,000  has been been raised by our Flight Raffle fundraiser alone, and these donations will be matched dollar-for-dollar.   Funding successful school board campaigns is very expensive, and two progressive PACs have joined with the local NEA to defeat us this year.  We can not go back to letting the local NEA choose our school board!  Please consider making a donation or buy a Flight Raffle ticket to help us elect more great school board members.   We need to bring consistent long-term improvements to the oversight of our schools.

Here’s what else you can do:

  • Please attend a school board meeting to voice your concerns and support good governance of our schools –
    See here for schedule and more information.
  • Find out more about our endorsed candidates: Adriana Kuhn and Sam Young
  • Contact us to find out more, volunteer in a school board campaign, or to let us know your concerns about our schools.
  • Consider making a donation or buy a Flight Raffle ticket to help us elect better school board members.
  • Most importantly: Get out and VOTE on April 2, 2024, and encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same!